nama latin ikan bawal

Unlocking the Secrets of "Nama Latin Ikan Bawal": A Culinary Journey of Discovery

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Unlocking the Secrets of "Nama Latin Ikan Bawal": A Culinary Journey of Discovery

The scientific name for the fish commonly known as “ikan bawal” in Indonesian is Pangasius hypophthalmus. This species belongs to the family Pangasiidae, which includes various species of catfish native to Southeast Asia.

Pangasius hypophthalmus is an important food fish, widely cultivated and consumed in many regions. It is known for its mild flavor and versatility in preparation. The fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, contributing to its nutritional value.

In aquaculture, Pangasius hypophthalmus is often referred to by its scientific name to distinguish it from other species and ensure accurate communication within the industry. Understanding the scientific nomenclature helps researchers, farmers, and consumers identify and discuss the species precisely, facilitating effective management and responsible practices.

Pangasius hypophthalmus: Nama Latin Ikan Bawal

Pangasius hypophthalmus, the scientific name for the fish commonly known as “ikan bawal” in Indonesian, offers a precise and universal way to identify and discuss this species. Understanding its key aspects is essential for scientific research, aquaculture practices, and accurate communication.

  • Taxonomy: Pangasius hypophthalmus belongs to the family Pangasiidae, a group of catfish species native to Southeast Asia.
  • Identification: The scientific name ensures accurate identification of the species, distinguishing it from other similar-looking fish.
  • Communication: Using the scientific name facilitates clear communication among researchers, farmers, and consumers, avoiding confusion with common names that may vary regionally.
  • Aquaculture: In the aquaculture industry, Pangasius hypophthalmus is often referred to by its scientific name to maintain standardized practices and ensure responsible management.
  • Nutrition: Understanding the scientific name helps recognize the nutritional value of the fish, as Pangasius hypophthalmus is known to be a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Conservation: Accurate identification through the scientific name is crucial for conservation efforts, enabling targeted protection measures for this species.
  • Research: The scientific name serves as a foundation for scientific research, allowing researchers to study the species’ biology, ecology, and potential applications.
  • International Trade: Pangasius hypophthalmus is traded globally, and its scientific name facilitates smooth international communication and trade agreements.

In conclusion, the key aspects of Pangasius hypophthalmus, the scientific name for “ikan bawal,” highlight its importance in taxonomy, communication, aquaculture, nutrition, conservation, research, and international trade. Understanding these aspects enables effective management, responsible practices, and accurate scientific discourse surrounding this valuable fish species.


nama latin ikan bawal

The taxonomic classification of Pangasius hypophthalmus as a member of the family Pangasiidae is a significant aspect of its scientific identity and understanding. This categorization establishes a clear relationship between the species and its closest relatives, providing valuable insights into its evolutionary history, genetic makeup, and ecological characteristics.

The family Pangasiidae comprises various species of catfish primarily found in the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins of Southeast Asia. By recognizing Pangasius hypophthalmus as belonging to this family, scientists can infer its shared ancestry and common traits with other Pangasiidae members. This knowledge aids in studying the species’ behavior, habitat preferences, and potential interactions within its ecosystem.

Furthermore, the taxonomic classification assists in conservation efforts. Understanding the species’ phylogenetic relationships helps identify potential threats and develop targeted conservation strategies. For instance, if other Pangasiidae species face habitat loss or overfishing, proactive measures can be taken to protect Pangasius hypophthalmus, considering their shared vulnerabilities.

In aquaculture, the taxonomic classification of Pangasius hypophthalmus guides selective breeding programs and genetic improvement. By identifying the species’ genetic diversity within the Pangasiidae family, researchers can develop breeding strategies to enhance desirable traits, such as fast growth rates or disease resistance, contributing to sustainable aquaculture practices.

In summary, the taxonomic classification of Pangasius hypophthalmus as a member of the Pangasiidae family is crucial for scientific research, conservation, and aquaculture. It establishes a clear understanding of the species’ evolutionary relationships, ecological characteristics, and genetic diversity, informing conservation strategies, breeding programs, and sustainable management practices.


Identification, Resep Ikan

The scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, plays a crucial role in the precise identification of “ikan bawal” among similar-looking fish species. Without a standardized scientific name, there would be a high risk of confusion and misidentification, especially in the context of international trade, scientific research, and conservation efforts.

Accurate identification is essential for effective communication and collaboration among scientists, researchers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders. A shared scientific name ensures that everyone is referring to the same species, eliminating ambiguity and enabling focused discussions and decision-making.

Consider the example of Pangasius catfish, a group of closely related species with overlapping physical characteristics. Without the scientific name, it would be challenging to distinguish between Pangasius hypophthalmus and other Pangasius species, potentially leading to incorrect labeling, inaccurate data collection, and ineffective conservation measures.

The scientific name serves as a precise and universal identifier, allowing for accurate species identification regardless of geographical location or language barriers. This precision is critical for various applications, including biodiversity assessments, ecological studies, and sustainable fishery management.

In summary, the scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, is a vital component of “nama latin ikan bawal” as it ensures accurate identification and clear communication, enabling effective research, conservation, and management practices.


Communication, Resep Ikan

The scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, is a crucial element of “nama latin ikan bawal” as it enables effective communication and knowledge exchange among various stakeholders, minimizing confusion and misinterpretation.

  • Unifying Language for Scientific Research: The scientific name provides a standardized and unambiguous language for researchers worldwide, ensuring that they are referring to the same species when conducting studies, sharing data, and publishing findings. This clarity is essential for accurate research, comparative analysis, and the advancement of scientific knowledge.
  • Clarity in Aquaculture Practices: In the aquaculture industry, farmers rely on the scientific name to accurately identify and discuss specific fish species. This ensures proper management practices, selective breeding programs, and effective communication within the industry, leading to improved productivity and responsible aquaculture.
  • Consumer Awareness and Education: The scientific name helps consumers make informed choices and understand the origin of the fish they purchase. By using the scientific name on product labels and educational materials, consumers can be aware of the species they are consuming and make choices aligned with their preferences or dietary needs.
  • Facilitating International Trade: The scientific name serves as a common reference point for international trade, ensuring that buyers and sellers are referring to the same species, regardless of geographical location or language differences. This clarity minimizes confusion, facilitates fair trade practices, and supports global seafood markets.

In conclusion, the scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, plays a vital role in “nama latin ikan bawal” by facilitating clear communication among researchers, farmers, and consumers. It eliminates confusion caused by regional variations in common names and ensures accurate information exchange, supporting scientific research, sustainable aquaculture practices, informed consumer choices, and efficient international trade.


Aquaculture, Resep Ikan

The scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, plays a vital role in the aquaculture industry for several reasons. Firstly, it establishes a standardized and unambiguous language for communication among farmers, researchers, and industry stakeholders. This shared terminology ensures that everyone involved in the aquaculture process is referring to the same species, eliminating confusion and misidentification.

Secondly, using the scientific name in aquaculture promotes responsible management practices. Accurate identification of species is crucial for maintaining genetic diversity, preventing hybridization, and ensuring the health and welfare of the fish. By adhering to the scientific name, farmers can implement targeted breeding programs, disease control measures, and environmental monitoring specific to Pangasius hypophthalmus, contributing to sustainable aquaculture practices.

Thirdly, the scientific name facilitates the exchange of information and best practices within the aquaculture industry. Research findings, technical advancements, and disease outbreak data can be accurately communicated and shared among farmers and researchers using the scientific name. This knowledge sharing contributes to continuous improvement in aquaculture practices, leading to increased productivity, reduced environmental impact, and improved fish quality.

In summary, the use of the scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, in the aquaculture industry is essential for maintaining standardized practices, ensuring responsible management, and promoting knowledge sharing. It underpins sustainable aquaculture practices and contributes to the overall success of the industry.


Nutrition, Resep Ikan

The scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, provides a crucial link to understanding the nutritional value of “ikan bawal”. Here are a few key facets to explore:

  • Accurate Identification and Nutritional Data: The scientific name ensures accurate identification of the species, allowing researchers and consumers to access reliable nutritional data. This information is essential for assessing the fish’s protein content, omega-3 fatty acid profile, and other nutritional components.
  • Health Benefits: Understanding the nutritional composition of Pangasius hypophthalmus through its scientific name helps consumers make informed choices about their diet. The presence of high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids is associated with various health benefits, such as improved heart health, reduced inflammation, and cognitive development.
  • Sustainable Food Source: Recognizing the nutritional value of Pangasius hypophthalmus promotes its consumption as a sustainable food source. Aquaculture practices that adhere to scientific guidelines can ensure the availability of this nutritious fish while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Targeted Nutrition: The scientific name facilitates targeted nutrition research and product development. By understanding the specific nutritional profile of Pangasius hypophthalmus, scientists and food manufacturers can develop products tailored to meet specific dietary needs or preferences.

In summary, the connection between “Nutrition: Understanding the scientific name helps recognize the nutritional value of the fish, as Pangasius hypophthalmus is known to be a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids” and “nama latin ikan bawal” highlights the importance of accurate identification for accessing reliable nutritional information. This knowledge empowers consumers to make informed dietary choices, supports sustainable aquaculture practices, and contributes to targeted nutrition research and product development.


Conservation, Resep Ikan

The scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, is a critical tool for conservation efforts related to “ikan bawal”. Accurate identification is essential for developing and implementing effective conservation strategies to protect this species and its ecosystem.

  • Preventing Misidentification: The scientific name ensures that conservation efforts are directed towards the correct species, avoiding misidentification and wasted resources. It prevents confusion with similar-looking species, ensuring that conservation measures are tailored to the specific needs of Pangasius hypophthalmus.
  • Targeted Protection Measures: Accurate identification allows for targeted protection measures specific to Pangasius hypophthalmus. Conservationists can design and implement strategies that address the unique threats and vulnerabilities of this species, contributing to its long-term survival.
  • Monitoring and Assessment: The scientific name facilitates effective monitoring and assessment of conservation efforts. By tracking the population status and distribution of Pangasius hypophthalmus, conservationists can evaluate the success of protection measures and make necessary adjustments to ensure the species’ recovery.
  • Collaboration and Information Sharing: The scientific name enables collaboration and information sharing among conservation organizations and researchers. It provides a common reference point for data collection, analysis, and reporting, allowing for a coordinated approach to conservation efforts.

In summary, the scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, plays a vital role in conservation by ensuring accurate identification, enabling targeted protection measures, facilitating monitoring and assessment, and promoting collaboration among stakeholders. These aspects are crucial for the effective conservation of “ikan bawal” and the preservation of its ecosystem.


Research, Resep Ikan

The scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, is pivotal in scientific research on “ikan bawal”. It enables researchers to delve into various aspects of the species, including its biology, ecology, and potential applications.

Accurate identification through the scientific name ensures that research findings are specific to Pangasius hypophthalmus, avoiding confusion with similar species. This precision is essential for studying the species’ unique characteristics, habitat preferences, and ecological interactions.

Understanding the biology of Pangasius hypophthalmus through scientific research contributes to aquaculture practices. By studying the species’ reproductive behavior, growth patterns, and nutritional requirements, researchers can develop optimized techniques, leading to increased productivity and sustainability in the aquaculture industry.

Furthermore, scientific research on Pangasius hypophthalmus explores potential applications in various fields. For instance, studies on the species’ immune system may uncover valuable insights for developing disease-resistant strains, benefiting both aquaculture and conservation efforts.

In summary, the scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, serves as a cornerstone for scientific research on “ikan bawal”. It facilitates accurate identification, enables the study of the species’ biology and ecology, and drives the exploration of potential applications. This research contributes to advancements in aquaculture practices, conservation strategies, and the overall understanding of this important fish species.

International Trade

International Trade, Resep Ikan

In the realm of international trade, accurate identification and communication are crucial for seamless transactions and the establishment of fair trade agreements. The scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, plays a pivotal role in facilitating these processes for “ikan bawal” on a global scale.

  • Standardized Nomenclature: The scientific name serves as a universal identifier, ensuring clear communication and avoiding confusion that may arise from variations in common names across different languages and regions. This standardized nomenclature enables buyers and sellers to accurately identify the species in question, reducing the risk of miscommunication and disputes.
  • Accurate Labeling and Traceability: The use of the scientific name on product labels and trade documents ensures accurate labeling and traceability throughout the supply chain. This transparency helps prevent fraud, protects consumers from misleading claims, and facilitates the tracking of products for quality control and safety purposes.
  • Dispute Resolution and Legal Protection: In the event of trade disputes or legal proceedings, the scientific name provides a precise and indisputable reference point. It helps establish clear contractual agreements, resolve conflicts, and protect the rights of both parties involved in international trade.
  • Sustainable Trade Practices: Accurate identification using the scientific name supports sustainable trade practices by ensuring that the correct species is targeted for harvesting and trade. This helps prevent overexploitation of certain species and promotes responsible management of marine resources.

In conclusion, the scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, is an essential element of “nama latin ikan bawal” in the context of international trade. It facilitates smooth communication, enables accurate labeling and traceability, aids in dispute resolution, supports sustainable trade practices, and contributes to the overall efficiency and fairness of global seafood trade.

Frequently Asked Questions about “Nama Latin Ikan Bawal”

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions surrounding the scientific name of “ikan bawal” to provide a clear understanding of its significance and usage.

Question 1: Why is it important to use the scientific name Pangasius hypophthalmus for “ikan bawal”?

Using the scientific name ensures accurate identification and communication about the species, avoiding confusion caused by variations in common names across regions and languages. It establishes a standardized nomenclature that facilitates precise discussions, research, and international trade.

Question 2: How does the scientific name contribute to conservation efforts?

Accurate identification through the scientific name is vital for effective conservation. It enables targeted protection measures tailored to the specific needs and vulnerabilities of Pangasius hypophthalmus, guiding conservation strategies and ensuring the long-term survival of the species.

Question 3: What role does the scientific name play in aquaculture practices?

In aquaculture, the scientific name Pangasius hypophthalmus supports responsible management and selective breeding programs. It allows farmers to accurately identify the species, study its biology and nutritional requirements, and develop optimized techniques for sustainable aquaculture practices.

Question 4: How does the scientific name facilitate international trade of “ikan bawal”?

The scientific name serves as a universal identifier in international trade, preventing confusion and mislabeling. It ensures clear communication between buyers and sellers, enables accurate labeling and traceability, and supports sustainable trade practices by targeting the correct species for harvesting.

Question 5: What is the significance of the scientific name for scientific research?

The scientific name Pangasius hypophthalmus provides a foundation for scientific research on “ikan bawal.” It enables researchers to accurately identify the species, study its biology, ecology, and potential applications, contributing to advancements in aquaculture, conservation, and the overall understanding of the species.

Question 6: How does the scientific name benefit consumers?

Understanding the scientific name Pangasius hypophthalmus empowers consumers to make informed choices. It allows them to identify the species they are consuming, access accurate nutritional information, and support sustainable seafood practices.

In summary, the scientific name Pangasius hypophthalmus is crucial for precise communication, effective conservation, responsible aquaculture, smooth international trade, scientific research, and informed consumer choices related to “nama latin ikan bawal.” It is a valuable tool that supports the sustainable management, conservation, and utilization of this important fish species.

Transition to the next article section:

Moving beyond the scientific name, let’s delve into the cultural significance and economic importance of “ikan bawal” in various regions.

Tips on Using “Nama Latin Ikan Bawal”

Understanding the scientific name “Pangasius hypophthalmus” is essential for accurate identification, communication, and research on “ikan bawal.” Here are a few tips to effectively use the scientific name:

Tip 1: Use the Scientific Name Consistently

Always refer to the species using its scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, in scientific papers, research publications, and formal discussions. This consistency ensures clear communication and avoids confusion with similar-looking species.

Tip 2: Cite the Scientific Name Correctly

When citing the scientific name in written works, follow the correct format. The genus name (Pangasius) should be italicized, while the species name (hypophthalmus) should be in lowercase and not italicized. Example: Pangasius hypophthalmus (Smith, 1853).

Tip 3: Use Scientific Databases

Utilize scientific databases like FishBase and the Catalog of Fishes for accurate information on Pangasius hypophthalmus. These resources provide detailed descriptions, taxonomic classifications, and up-to-date scientific data.

Tip 4: Consult with Experts

If you are unsure about the scientific name or have questions regarding the species, consult with taxonomists or ichthyologists (fish scientists). They can provide expert guidance and ensure accurate identification.

Tip 5: Promote the Use of the Scientific Name

Encourage the use of the scientific name, Pangasius hypophthalmus, among scientists, researchers, and the general public. This promotes clarity in communication and contributes to a shared understanding of the species.

By following these tips, you can effectively use the scientific name “Pangasius hypophthalmus” to enhance communication, support research, and contribute to the accurate identification and understanding of “ikan bawal.”

In conclusion, using the scientific name “Pangasius hypophthalmus” is crucial for scientific accuracy, effective communication, and the advancement of knowledge on “ikan bawal.” By adhering to these tips, you can contribute to the responsible and informed use of the scientific name in various contexts.


Throughout this exploration of “nama latin ikan bawal,” we have highlighted the significance of the scientific name Pangasius hypophthalmus. This scientific nomenclature provides a precise and universal means of identifying and discussing this species, facilitating accurate communication, research, and conservation efforts.

Understanding the scientific name empowers us to engage in informed discussions about the biology, ecology, and utilization of Pangasius hypophthalmus. It enables effective management and conservation strategies, ensuring the sustainability of this valuable fish species. By embracing the scientific name, we contribute to a shared understanding and appreciation of “ikan bawal” and its role in our ecosystems and food systems.

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